On Wednesday, October 5th import and export data for beverage alcohol was made available through August 2016. Top line results are as follows:
The bw166 Beer – Imports and Exports Report shows imported beer increased +7.7% by volume and +9.8% by value over the last twelve months. Over the last three months imports are up +5.0% by volume and up +4.5% by value. 65.1% of imports by volume come from Mexico.
Exported beer increased +9.6% by volume and +6.0% by value over the last twelve months. The last three months have seen material weakness with declines of -14.3% by volume and -10.9% by value. 38.4% of exported beer goes to Mexico.
Overall beer imports by volume are 6.2 times the size of beer exports.
The bw166 Spirits – Imports and Exports Report shows imported packaged spirits for the last twelve months are up +5.0% by volume and +3.8% by value. Volume trends are fairly similar the past three months, 3.2% by volume but are up 4.0% by value. Imported bulk spirits are not as healthy. Over the past twelve months, volume is down -1.4% and value is down -3.9%. These trends have declined further over the past three months with volume down -7.3% and value down -17.4%. Whiskeys (from all sources) represents 26.1% of all imported packaged spirits while whiskeys (from all sources) represent 30.8% of all imported bulk spirits.
Exported packaged spirits for the past twelve months are up slightly by volume +1.4% but is down -5.3% by value. Volume trends are similar over the past three months with volume up +3.1% and value -6.4%. Exported bulk spirits for the last twelve months are up +11.9% by volume but only +4.4% by value. Over the past three months volume trends have accelerated slightly, up +3.1%, but value has declined, down -6.4%. The United Kingdom represents 10.9% of all exported packaged spirits while 23.6% of all exported bulk spirits is destined for Canada.
The bw166 Wine – Imports and Exports Report shows imported packaged wine is up +5.1% by volume and +3.6% by value over the past twelve months. This growth has softened over the past three months with volume only up +0.4% and value -1.1%. Imported bulk wines for the last twelve months are down -1.1% by volume and down -2.7% by value. The volume has recovered over the past 3 months +22.4% but value is still off-1.7%. Imported packaged wine from Italy represents 35.1% of all packaged imports by volume while imported bulk wine from Chile represent 34.1% of all bulk imports by volume.
Exported packaged wine for the last twelve months is down -9.1% by volume but is up +2.1% by value. Over the past three months trends have decelerated by volume down -16.6% but value is up +4.9%. Exported bulk wine for the past twelve months is down -4.4% by volume and -2.4% by value. These trends are similar over the past three months with volume down -4.1% and value -6.1%. Canada represents 31.1% of all exported packaged wine and the United Kingdom represents 38.9% of all exported bulk wine.
To be able to track Beverage Alcohol imports and exports on a monthly basis for volume, value in USD, and value in local currency for all major trading countries, please see the bw166 Import and Export reports for Beer, Spirits, and Wine.